by Editorial Staff FdS
The International Conference “Space4You – Space, a driver for Competitiveness and Growth” promoted by Apulia Region and NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies), in collaboration with the Apulian Aerospace District, will take place in Bari (Hotel Mercure – Villa Romanazzi Carducci) the main city of Apulia region, in the South of Italy, on 27th and 28th of February 2014.
This conference will bring together representatives from European Regions, European Commission, space agencies, industries, regional and national institutions, academia, space associations, research institutions and universities, citizens, to highlight the fundamental role of “Space as a driver for Competitiveness and Growth”.
Space technologies have become an important part of everyday life. Participants will present how the use of space assets and applications is fundamental for European Regions, to foster new business and to address social, economic and security challenges with efficient and sustainable tools.
The programme includes user-driven sessions, thematic sub-sessions, round tables and special events that will allow European Regions and key-players to open debate, to share knowledge and expertises on the importance of space applications – and derived services – for growth, social benefits and sustainable development.
A dedicated session to Space Careers will give the opportunity to students and young professionals to meet representatives from different institutions and industries to discuss future opportunities in the space sector.
The 2014 edition of the NEREUS International Conference will be accompanied by an exhibition promoting regional, national and European space activities.
This Conference will therefore allow the international space community, under the auspices of NEREUS and the Apulia Region, to pave the way for a reinforced action towards a continuous and systematic use of space data and technologies in Europe. NEREUS and Apulia Region want to play a key role in this process, and the results of this International Conference will help them to build a concrete strategy and its relevant implementation plan starting from 2014.
The Conference is the first event in 2014 among those included in the Apulia Region “International business promotion programme for regional industry clusters 2013-2014”, supporting research internationalization, with a view to the Smart Specialization Strategy and organised by International Business Promotion Department and Industrial Research and Innovation Department, within the Economic Development, Employment and Innovation Policy Department,.
Participation in the Conference Space4You is free of charge
The Programme (download)
Space4You – Programme
For further information, please contact the organizing secretariat :
space4you@regione.puglia.it – tel. +39 080 2195826
Hotel Mercure – Villa Romanazzi Carducci, Bari
via Capruzzi 326
From h. 9.30 AM
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