TELL YOUR SOUTH ITALY – Image edited from photo by Egor Pasko | CCBY2.0
On July 9th 2014, our Magazine promoted TELL YOUR SOUTH ITALY, a permanent campaign of “citizen journalism” addressed to our readers. The launch was preceded by a preview with the beautiful images of Calabria sent by Andrea Martini di Cigala. We felt it was the best way to introduce an initiative which, we hope, many of you will join.
Please send to Fame di Sud editorial staff a TEXT (max. 1 page in Word by Calibri font 11) or IMAGES (pics or videos), or both, and tell us the SOUTHERN ITALY that you prefer: the one in which you live, where you go on vacation, or even what you’ve visited on some special occasion of the your life and that particularly impressed you. Or you can also shoot, share on social networks and tell “your” Southern Italy on INSTAGRAM and on TWITTER with your images using the official ashtags #myfamedisud and #tellyoursouth. Please indicate the #location and one or more subjects choosing between #ENVIRONMENT #CULTURALHERITAGE #PEOPLE #FOODANDDRINKS #TRADITIONS #INNOVATION #LIFESTYLE.
We want to tell the beauty of SOUTHERN ITALY through your eyes and your sensitivity. Tell us just about the South that you love, the South that excites you and where you would come back or recommend to your friends. Transform yourself into a “journalist”, “storyteller” or “photojournalist” and collaborate to a new, different, emotional and exciting choral portrait of SOUTHERN ITALY.
For each city please try to describe the identity, the features and the typical things…in short, everything with which you came in contact in one of the 8 regions of the South: #APULIA #CAMPANIA #BASILICATA #CALABRIA #SICILY #ABRUZZO #MOLISE #SARDINIA.
The material that you send us to our email address redazione@famedisud.it (specifying in the subject field #myfamedisud or #tellyoursouth – name of region) will be selected, based on the quality of the writing and the beauty of the images and will be posted on our Magazine Fame di Sud’s column RACCONTA IL TUO SUD (Tell your South Italy). In case you are used to sign your pictures, we ask that you only apply a small signature, in the lower right or left, so that it is not too invasive.
Share on your social network the material that we will publish, using the official hashtags #lamiafamedisud and #raccontailtuosud.
SHARE with your friends our proposal: the more you’ll be, the more complete the portrait of Southern Italy will be.
WARNING: The authors of texts and images retain all rights on the material they will send us. By submitting material, you authorize us tacitly to publish it freely on our magazine and on our social networks. All texts and images published will report the author’s name and a web link if specified in the email.